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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  January 14, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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>> mike: welcome back to huckabee forum two south carolina undecided. our next presidential candidate is former pennsylvania senator rick santorum. please welcome senator santorum. [ applause ] >> good to see you. >> i got to say you got the vest on. great to see you. thank you for joining us. i was commenting on your vest. i see you wore that today. >> that has been -- it started out actually, mike, at your forum in des moines and we went out and everyone else was wearing a suit and i came out with a vest and things went well that night and so we started the trend -- you
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started the trend for me so i figured i would keep it up. >> mike: , well, it is working for you today. congressman tim scott has our first question for senator santorum. >> the first question from kimberly williams. >> welcome to charleston and thank you for coming here on behalf of all of us undecided voters. many of us christian conservatives feel the same way you do about abortion and the sanctity of human life. tell me what you would do to win over the liberals that you would have to win over to beat obama in november. >> i go back and look at my record. i have run five races. four of them i was victorious. all in heavily democratic areas. all being mostly jut numbered and outspent and able to go out and attract folks who didn't niecely agree with sh me on thosis issues. i tell the truth. not what i believe is popular in the moment but what my core convictions are and why i
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believe them. not everybody agrees with everything that you believe in but what they want to know is that you believe what you believe. and the folks trusted me that i would stand up and in fact do what i said and i was doing it for the right reason because i believed it was in the best interest of our country. i was able to win, beat two democratic incumbents. once for the house and someone for the senate. a state that had over a million more registered democrats and republicans. really the only person in the race that has that kind of track record of being able to win the states that are necessary. pennsylvania, ohio. missouri. michigan. indiana. the industrial states. and i put policies together that do that. for example my policy on manufacturing. it appeals to the exact voters that built the regan coalition. blue collar hard working people left behind by this economy. we have plans and i have lad a plan throughout my congressional and senate career that attracted those kind of voters and that is why we were
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successful. >> mike: thank you very much. let's go to the next question. >> senator santorum, my name is ellen wortsman. my husband has been unemployed for over four years. we sold our big house and move inside a much smaller house. moved from the north down to the south where it was a little bit cheaper. our 401 k is pretty much gone. the ira is gone. the economy is gone. what can you you do for people in our position. >> you moved to a beautiful area of the country. an area my wife karen is here with me and our kids come to all the time, this state of south carolina has been sort of a vacation place for us to go down and spend some time. so you picked a good place. i would say that the best thing we can do is get this economy going for everyone in the economy. and that is why if you look at our plan the "wall street journal" the other day rated our plan as a bold plan, better than any other plans put
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throughout. and the reason that i believe it will work is because it does focus not just on the knowledge based economy and we are competing and those who are white collar workers so to speak are doing well but you with low rates of unemployment about 4.3% but the rest of the folks in the economy have double digit still double digit unemployment and we need to create opportunities and i believe it is in the manufacturing sector. you have seen what -- [ applause ] >> you see what boeing has done here to the low country. the low he country has obviously a very diverse economy but manufacturing is what creates wealth. we have seen it up in the upstate. just the vitality of having those workers. and it is not just blue collar workers in manufacturing. designers and engineers. a robust cross section of the economy that can grow. we take the corporate tax for manufacturing and eliminate it. we have seen our workforce cut in half in america in manufacturing from 21% of the
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workforce down to nine. we need to revitalize that sector of the economy. the only way we will do it is compete against the countries that want to take those jobs. why? because they know he manufacturing jobs create wealth. we know it, too. you elect me and let us put our complete plan together with regulatory and energy and all sorts of other things we will do to make manufacturing competitive again and we will create jobs for your husband and a lot of other people here in south carolina. >> mike: thank you very much. i want to remind everybody that all of the panelists get exactly the same amount of time. the way the structure of the program is, senator santorum yours will be the only segment that isn't in one piece. we don't have a break so we will go straight to the next question and continue right on. your question, please. >> welcome to charleston. i'm david mullen. i recently purchased 12 eye at thes from a national outdoor retailer. i'm picky about what i buy and i look at labels to see where things are made. due to getting in the spirit of
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things i didn't do that this time. i got home and everything i bought was made in china. my question for you is what actions should the united states take concerning the trade imbalance with china? >> thanks for the question. and you know, we went out and we are selling sweater vests on our website and it took us a couple of days to be able to find a manufacturer that manufactured vests. you know, south carolina was huge in the textile industry and as we know it is not any more. and the reason is it goes back to the point i was making before. the national association of manufacturers found that if you exclude labor costs america is 20% more expensive to manufacturer in than our nine top trading partners and that includes china. and that is excluding labor. everyone says we are losing jobs because of our labor costs. we are not. we are losing jobs because our government is making manufacturers uncompetitive with high taxes. they are doing it with regulations.
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this administration in the past just three years has gone from on average during bush and clinton of producing about 60 regulations per year. they produce thousands but 60 that are the really onerous high cost regulations that make us uncompetitive on a variety of fronts. those are regulations that cost over $100 million. i support a piece of legislation, by the way, that will require congress to approve those regulations instead of the obama administration or any administration putting those high costs in the american business community without some sort of congressional approval. but this administration has not done 60 a year as it was in the last 16 years. they did 150 of those types of regulations last year. they are crushing the entrepreneurial spirit. i was up in greenville the other day and i had someone who was in the mortgage business and they said i went from 30 minutes a week spending time on regulations to three hours a day after dodd frank. it is crushing my business, i'm getting out.
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we need to have regulatory reform. what i will do is repeal every single regulation that cost over $100 million and replace them with ones if necessary that are more competitive for our businesses. [ applause ] >> mike: thank you very much. let's go back to the audience. your name and your question, please, for senator santorum. >> i'm robert booth, mr. santorum. how can you call yourself a true conservative when you voted six times to raise the debt limit? >> thank you very much. i appreciate that, robert. here is -- it was five, by the way. at least that is what ron paul says. i haven't checked. but here is the issue. have i voted and have i worked to get that budget deficit down and bammed the budget and take care of the serious issues that we are dealing with. unfortunately, when you are a united states senator or congressman you are not the president of the united states and you can't unilaterally stop spending which i could by vetoing bills and proposing
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budgets. you can work toward lowering spending and i have. i was the author of welfare reform in the united states house and managed that bill on the floor of the united states senate. the first and only time that we actually repealed a federal entitlement, cut the money, block granted the state and froze spending on this. i want to do the same thing and can do the same thing on a whole variety of other programs. i have led on social security reform. i have led on medicare reform and did so as a senator from the state with the second oldest per capita population of seniors in the country. if you really want to do something about not ever increasing the debt ceiling you have got to deal with entitlements. nobody else in this race and frankly very few politicians at all with the exception of jim demint here and i worked with him to actually do something about where the problem, structural problem is and that is entitlements and that is my strength. we fought those wars and we will continue and this time as president i will have the ability to lead and succeed on all fronts not just one. [ applause ]
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>> mike: let's take our next question, please. go right ahead. >> welcome, senator santorum, to the low country. my name is judy bennett and my question concerns the unemployed over 50. especially those who have not yet reached the age of social security. personally my sister 58 exhausted her efforts unemployment benefits and then took her ira and bought a small business. what say you to those who don't have resources to do this? >> well, i mean the most important thing is you put up -- brought up something that is really importance is folks with experience like your sister and others who can then take that experience unlike younger folks and be able to use that in a way to build their own business. and this really gets back to the fact that this administration has had this crushing regulatory burden as well as tax burden on entrepreneurs and if you go back to the comment i made from the man from greenville,
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everyone says the republican party is the party of big business. that is just false. we are the party of small business. we are the party of the little guy. the small market guys. the entrepreneurs. the democrats love -- president obama loves big business. why? it is harder to chase around all of the little small businesses to tell them how to run their business. it is easier if you can just deploy regulators and tax agents and actually embed them in these large companies and watch them very, very closely and have this symbiotic where the buyinggies can comply. the little guy is driven out of business. that means less competition for the big guy. reducing the regulatory burden than i talked about is absolutely key if we are going to have opportunities for those who want to start businesses and provide for their families. >> mike: less than two minutes to go.
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get as many as we can. next question, please, from the audience. >> senator, i was born and raised in irie pennsylvania and now a proud south carolinian. you have spoken passionately on many occasions concerning abortion. how do you justify administration of a death penalty for a variety of crimes but fail to support abortion in the case of pregnancies resulting from rape and incest. how is the taking of an adult life different than the life of an unborn. >> i don't have an exception for rape and incest. i believe that all human life is sacred and all innocent human life should be protected and so i have no exceptions for those two. and with respect to the death penalty we are not talking about innocent human life. it is interesting, i was asked this question at a debate how i could have an exception, i was too radical because i did not have an exception for rape and incest. and i told the questioner i said that the supreme court
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recently ruled that someone convicted of rape was not subject to capital punishment that that would be cruel and unusual punishment but that same supreme court said that a child in the womb conceived from the rape could be killed. that is a country that has its morals upside down. >> mike: senator thank you you very much. i appreciate you being here. thank you very much. coming up, texas governor rick perry. and later newt gingrich mitt romney, rick santorum will join us for their closing remarks. stay with us from charleston, south carolina. ♪ [ driver ] what do i want? ♪ i want horsepower. cleaner horsepower. i want power that dominates the road. and fuel efficiency that respects the earth. gimme 43 miles per gallon. and the rush of 200 horsepower.
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>> mike: welcome back to huckabee forum two from south carolina. the undecided voter. the next presidential candidate is texas governor rick perry. please welcome governor rick perry. how are you doing? >> great to see you. >> mike: thanks for being here. >> excited to be here. good boots you have on. >> mike: thank you. they were made in texas. >> congressman tim scott will introduce the first question for you, governor. >> the first question have victor finvess. >> tim, thank you. good to see you you. >> good morning. my question is having lived in new york for many years i have seen an extreme number of people taking advantage of
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welfare and disabilities. people who have never worked a day in their lives. what is your exact plan to get people off of welfare and keep them from taking advantage of the system? >> well, obviously -- [ applause ] >> good question. good question. obviously having good tests in place and as the governor of the 13th largest economy in the world over the course of the last 11 years we have had an opportunity to make sure that you have practices in place. but at the federal level, one of the most important things that we can do is have a health and human service agency that is really focused on fraud and corruption that we know goes on. i mean there are billions of dollars that can be saved out of our health and human services budget by auditing and having that type of program in place. and frankly, that is going to be one of the places that we really work in our state we have been able to save
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$5 billion partly by consolidating some of the agencies but also by putting an office of inspector general into place. and that would be one of the things that i would do is the office of inspector again ral to make sure that we have clear guidelines and that fraud and corruption get cut out of that federal agency. [ applause ] >> mike: thank you very much. let's go to our next question. >> good morning, governor perry. my name is mike farmer. as a small businessman, i have to spend a great deal of my time considering tax implications of any business decision i make. i would like to know how we can simplify the tax code for businesses to make it easier for businessmen to make decisions based on their business opportunities and not the tax codes. >> you will like my tax plan. 20% flat tax. steve forbes endorsed it and the club for growth said it was the best plan of any of the candidates running for the
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presidency. 20% flat tax. deduction for home mortgage. get rid of the capital gains tax. get rid of the social security benefits tax and get rid of capital gains. take 20% of that, put it on a post card and send it in and we will get rid of the irs as we know it. [ applause ] >> mike: let's go to the next question for governor you perry. >> and mr. former, i guarantee you even timothy geithner can get his taxes in on time with a plan like that. >> next question, please. >> hello, governor perry. >> good morning. >> i'm diane mckinnon. >> how are you? >> excellent, thank you. >> my question is about your possible vice presidential pick. would you want someone man or woman who would fill the spot, make appearances like the joe biden or would you like someone man or woman who would be actively involved in your administration like a dick
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cheney? >> mike, what have you got going on next year? >> mike: hosting this show. [ laughter ] >> he was my neighbor. i know this guy knows to compete. listen to answer your question seriously, it will be an individual who is very much philosophically in tune. it would be an individual that looks like me from the standpoint of my philosophy. the vice presidency truly is that one heartbeat away from the presidency and you want an individual that is a partner. you want an individual that, you know, lorded willing i'm going to live for a long time and be healthy through all those years but you want to make sure that that individual is someone that shares your passion for this country. shares your passion for small businesses. shares your passion for the defense of this country and so that individual whoever he or she might be will be someone
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who is identical from a philosophical standpoint and i can assure you that. [ applause ] >> mike: thank you very much. let's go to our next question from our audience. >> my name is luther hughes. governor, i would like to know as president what executive action would you take regarding the outof control labor relations board? >> well, i probably would just do away with it and put it over in the department of labor and then considerably, it is really interesting that the nlrb issue is one of three. all of our states i know nick is here in the audience and we compete against each other. i mean we are big believers in the 10th amendment and we jobs forgetting those jobs into our states and what have you and each of the states are ther assault by the administration. south carolina they are are actually at war with you. the idea that they would come
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in here with their justice department and take on your voter identification law, that they would come in here and take you to task and you are having to spend money to defend your sovereign right to have immigration laws put into place because you are doing your job, that is a powerful message. [ applause ] >> and those two are only trumped by the nlrb coming in here and telling boeing that you cannot come to south carolina and create jobs and create all this wealth because you are a right to work state. that is just wrong. and when i'm the president of the united states you don't have to worry about seeing the justice department here messing in your business. >> mike: governor perry, thank you you very much. we will continue with governor perry, more questions right after the break. stay with us from charleston. it's got 10 speeds, my friend. ♪ is it fast? it's got a lightning bolt on it, doesn't it? ♪ is it fast? i don't even know if it's street-legal.
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>> mike: welcome back to charleston, south carolina, for or forum of undecided voters. we continue with texas governor rick perry. let's go right back to the audience and get some more questions. go right ahead. >> welcome to both of you governors to south carolina and to charleston. my name is debbie jones and my question is because the federal government spends $4 billion a day more than it takes in, will you make it a priority to cut federal spending immediately by
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10% within your first hyundais hundred days in office as president? >> as a matter of fact, we have a plan on rick where you can see our actual budget that we lay out where we talk about not than tax plan that i talked about earlier but the spending cuts that we need to make and how we balance the budget by 2010 and cap the spending at 18% of gross domestic product. i mean that is a powerful commitment. i mean you got to ask yourself. are you better off today than you were four trillion dollars ago? i mean and that is the answer. cutting the spending. and i have got a record of doing that and i know everybody likes to talk about we are going to cut this and we going to cut this much and what have you but i'm the only person on the stage that has come across here today that i have signed six balanced budgets and you know how tough that is having been a governor yourself. six balanced budgets. we cut $15 billion out of our
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budget in texas this last time because the other side of that is you got twitchiests. either raise taxes. in washington, d.c. they raise the debt ceiling or you make reductions in spending. we had 64 different times we cut taxes in that state and people have come to texas because they know that there is still a land of opportunity in america and it is that state has 1300 people that come in every day and they are coming there because they know they can still come and they can risk their capital and have a chance to have a return on their investment and that is what americans are pleading for. they just want a president of the united states that understands that it is the small businessmen and women that drive this country. this is the tax policy, the c.e.o. of coca-cola said that it is easier to do business in communist china than it is in the united states of america. that is nuts.
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we need to cut the taxes, cut the regulation and bring that manufacturing back to the united states and that is the way you do it. [ applause ] >> mike: thank you very much. let's go to our next question from our audience. yes, sir? >> welcome, governor perry. >> yes, sir. >> my name is nate hubbard and i'm personally concerned about ridiculous regulations by the environmental protection agency. >> me, too. >> and i would like to know what your stance on that would be and specifically are you in favor of eliminating that agency and if not why? >> yes, sir. well, i will tell you hall of fame' not sureth is a state that has been under any more assault than the state of texas by the epa whether it is the cross state pollution act that we got a federal court to block. whether it is coming in and taking over our clean air act. i mean they are absolutely out of control.
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spewing out regulations on a regular basis. and what i would do is i would pull back every regulation that has gone forward since '08 and i would audit them and i would test them for this. do they create jobs? or do they kill jobs? if they kill jobs, they are out. automatically, that is what would be the test. then that agency i would rebuild. because that agency can be substantially smaller. repositive fortive for salmonella torrey. it needs to be substantially reduced and i'm talking about substantially reduced and the bulk of the regulations should be dealt with at state level. i trust nicky and her members of the legislature to make decisions that are in the best interests of the people. it is your air and your water. for crying out loud. i trust the people of south carolina to make the decisions on their environment substantially more than some bureaucrat in washington, d.c.
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that has probably never even stepped foot into that state. >> mike: less than two minutes to go with governor per arery. try to get as many as we can. next question, please, if our audience. >> hi, governor perry. i'm justin deeing. i would like to know if you think that the american manufacturing jobs that ever moved to china if they are likely to come back and if not what jobs of the sectors do you think are most likely to grow during your presidency? >> yes, sir. they can come back and they will come back. people didn't move away just because they had the opportunity to find some cheap labor. they left because we overtaxed them and we overregulated them. and think about all of the dollars that are off shore from u.s. companies that have invested offshore and made those profits and to bring them back in today they have to pay 35% rate. that money is not going to come back in, governor, it is going to stay offshore. in my tax plan i talk about taxing that off shore money and it is $1.7 trillion at 5.25%
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for one year. the american chamber of commerce estimates 3.6 million jobs will be created when a trillion dollars of that comes back onshore and is then put into our economy. the place that you will see america's always been a country where the next big thing. i mean steve jobs and what he innovated and people like him, and some private sector small entrepreneur who is creating the next big thing. we need to be giving them the incentive to be on shore doing that and not driving them off with tax policy and regulatory policy. that is the reason that 20% flat tax not only on the personal side but a 20% corporate income tax that will make america competitive. that is the way to get america ahead. tax and regulatory reform. do it. >> mike: governor perry, thank you. you were right exactly on the time. i didn't even have to cut you off whatsoever.
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i appreciate it. great to have you here. up next, we are going to bring all five of the candidates back. we will get closing remarks on tonight's forum. you will want to say to see what their final argument to you is. just like all these undecided voters here in charleston. stay with us. we'll be right back. copd makes it hard to breathe, so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life, but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure.
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>> mike: welcome back to our forum in charleston, south carolina. each of the five candidates had equal time to answer the questions from our undecided voters here in our audience. now, they are going to join us once again and each will have one minute to give us their closing remarks. the northern division which they a-- the order in which they appear on the stage was determined by a drawing prior to tonight's forum. first up, former massachusetts governor rate romney. >> thanks, mike. thank you, mike, for this opportunity and governor haley and also congressman scott. appreciate the chance to be with you. you in charleston or across south carolina realize this election is about more than just replacing a president. this is an election about the soul of america. this nation was founded upon principles that said we would be an opportunity nation that people could come here and work hard and get education and take risks and pursue their dreams and their success would not make the rest of us poorer it
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would make the rest of us better off. we a president who has a different view. he wants to make america a european style welfare state an entitlement nation where the role of government is not to create opportunity but instead to take from some to give to others. is not working in europe. it sure as heck wouldn't work here. this president wants to make government bigger. i want to make it smaller. he wants to expand healthcare controlled by the government. i want to get rid of obama care. he wants to spend more money than we take into year after year after year. i want to cut, cap and balance the federal budget. this is time of decision for the american people. this president says he wants to transform america. i want to restore to america the principles that made us the hope of the earth. thank you. >> mike: thank you very much, governor. appreciate it very much. thank you. next up, for closing remarks, texas governor rick perry. >> you know, the country that i volunteered to serve as a pilot in the united states air force is still the greatest country on the earth.
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but washington, d.c. is broken. and we need a president of the united states that understands how to bring change and bring real change because washington and wall street are corrupt. and we need a president who understands that we are going have to have an outsider come in to washington, d.c. that clearly has the background and the track record to bring that needed change and that radical change to washington, d.c. i have always lived a purpose driven life. it has never been my purpose to be the president of the united states or to get rich. it has been my purpose to serve our country. and that is why i'm in this race for the united states presidency. we need to make sure that we have a president with a plan, a tax plan. a balanced budget plan. a way to radically change washington, d.c. with a part-time congress, send them home, let them work part time and then keep that radical change in place. i'm rick perry and i ask you for your support right here in
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south carolina and across america. god bless you. >> mike: thank you, governor perry. great to see you. >> i appreciate it. >> mike: next up, former pennsylvania senator rick santorum. >> thank you very much, governor. thank all the folks here in south carolina. i karen and i decided to take on this challenge to run for president not because i wanted to be the most powerful person in america, because i wanted to return the power to the people of america. that is what this campaign is all about. we have a big decision. i don't care how old you are, this is the most important election of your lifetime. what i would say to the people of south carolina you have an in creedible opportunity to speak loudly as to what america needs and you know what america needs. america needs someone who respects and reflects the values of the people of america. south carolina has good strong traditional conservative values. the values that made this country great. the founders' values that is south carolina. i would ask the people of south
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carolina to reflect those values this this election. vote for someone. be strong, be bold and lead this country. you voted for ronald reagan in 1981. everyone else said pick one who can win. you said know because you saw something the rest of the country didn't yet know. believe in the values and reflect them in those votes coming up on saturday and we can restore this country to greatness. thank you. >> mike: senator, thank you very much. great to see you. next up, former utah governor jon huntsman. >> governor, i'm honored and pleased to be here in this great state of south carolina honored by the support of people like the carroll campbell family, henry mcmaster and allen wilson. i want people leaving this auditorium with two things in mind. number one, i will always put my country first. the principles that my two boys are learning as they begin
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their military careers. why is that important? it is important because point no. two this country has a trust deficit that we need to resolve. we no longer trust our institutions of power are and we no longer trust our elected officials and i want to lead the charge that brings term limits to congress. and i want to close that resolving door that allows members of congress to file right on out where they trade in on the insider information and relationships to become lobbyists and i want to get our troops out of afghanistan. and finally, i want to right size those banks that are too big to fail. ladies and gentlemen of south carolina, i want your vote. but most importantly, i want your trust because that is the most valuable thing one human being can give to another. thank you so very much. [ applause ] >> mike: governor huntsman, thank you. appreciate you being with us. >> thank you you. >> mike: next up, former speaker of the house newt
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gingrich. >> mike, i want to thank you. i want to thank the college of charleston and all of the folks here today. this may be the most important election of our lifetime because if barack obama gets reelected i believe he will be so radical in his second term having been vindicated we can't imagine what it will be like. this election really matters and your votes in the south carolina primary are decisive i think once again as they have been since 1980 in picking somebody. it is very simple. who could defeat barack obama. who can help change, washington. who can help keyiate jobs. we need a solid conservative who can win the debates to defeat barack obama. we need someone with the experience of changing, washington, which i did with ronald reagan in the '80s and as speaker with welfare reform, balanced budgets, tax cuts and 4.2% unemployment we did in the '90s. finally, i helped create 16 million jobs with ronald reagan. 11 million jobs as speaker. with your help and your vote i
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believe we can get america back to work and that is the only way that america works is when americans are working. thank you. >> mike: mr. speaker, thank you very much. great to see you. well, coming up, we are going to go back to the undecided voters in our audience and then find out if they were satisfied with what they heard from the candidates and whether their answers brought them a little closer to making a decision as it may have happened with you. stay with us. we will be right back from charleston, south carolina. ♪[music plays] when you're responsible for this much of the team... you need a car you can count on. ♪[music plays]
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>> mike: a lot of undecided voters in south carolina. we have brought them here to ask their questions. let's find out have they made a decision. let's go out to brant. you had a question earlier. i want to ask you, tell me your reaction to the answer that you got and are you closer to a decision? >> well, i think that he kind of skipped away from the question and started talking about military spending. >> mike: your question was to governor romney. >> everybody agrees that we should have the strongest military in the world. i wanted him to convince me that a choice between him and obama in november wouldn't be economically inconsequential and with this growing libertarian wing of the republican party i mean he may even have to pick a rand paul as a running mate to get someone like me onboard.
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>> mike: you indicated you are in fact a ron paul supporter so not completely undecided when you came. are you less decided or more undecided? >> no, i'm more for ron paul, you know, after this. even though he is not even here. just everything that he says i have agreed with. >> mike: well, we appreciate it very much. let's go to ellen. you had a question for senator santorum. very powerful personal story. did the senator's answer satisfy you, ellen? >> well, not really because i'm not sure how at age 60 i mean as much as manufacturing needs to come back into this country. i'm all for that. but my husband is 60 years old and i'm not sure bringing manufacturing back is going to get him a job. you know, and the older americans that don't have jobs right now that aren't ready to fully retire, you know, what are they supposed to do? how are we supposed to survive when we have already been
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through, you know, like you are spending down your 401(k) and ira and everything else. >> ted mcknight had a question for speaker gingrich regarding the founding fathers and dealing with the federal reserve. did the speaker's answer satisfy you, ted? >> i like the fact that he agreed that the founding fathers had a better grasp on what is best nor country. unfortunately, he then went the opposite direction. he wanted to still keep the fed. i would have appreciated an answer that would have said that the fed should be transitioned to extinction within about five years. an example of getting rid of bernanke is great but if we have looked at president obama's appointments over the last three years, we can see what happens with allowing one person to appoint a very powerful person to a very powerful position. the founders would have wanted to have the wisdom of multiple
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people and not just one and this idea of using our money to bail out the euro i agree with that as not being a good idea but we have the fed with all this quantitative easing destroying the purchase of the dollar which is a stealth tax on all of. >> mike: justin you had a question for governor perry regarding manufacturing jobs returning from china. tell me what you thought of his answer when responded. >> i liked his enthusiasm and his idea of a five and a quarter percent tax on the offshore profits coming back in. if we don't have something in place it is not likely to incentivize the companies to bring them back. i just -- i don't think he gave me any specific answers about what job sectors he thinks are going to grow. it was more about oh, let's feed jobs and innovators and
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let them do what they do and let's give them the tools to do that. >> mike: david tilley, you had a question for governor you huntsman. respond. it was about the space program. >> i was partially satisfied. i liked the fact that he said he would not contract out manned spait flights to the countries. the united states doesn't have a viable man sis. what would he do about that. the development of a man rated launch system needs to be expedited quickly. >> mike: i appreciate all of you and i appreciate everybody here. we will have final comments when i return. i will be talking with our host congressman tim scott to get his perspective on how this event helped him make a decision as we hope it helped make you. we will be right back with our final segment. stay with us. ♪ ♪ baby, baby, come along ♪ baby, baby, come along with me ♪
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>> mike: welcome back. joining me once again, our host south carolina republican congressman tim scott. this has been a remarkable afternoon. a roomful of undecided voters. they have asked very tough questions of all of the candidates. nobody came in here and skated. do you feel any candidate rose to the occasion in a way that was exceptional today? >> i newt they all did a very good job. one of the reasons why some voters in south carolina are still undecided is because our candidates are raising their game. i was excited about the performance of all of the candidates. i haven't picked my own yet. still working through that process. >> mike: if it is any consolation neither have i. i like all those guys and one of the things i saw here today i would be proud to stand on the stage and gleefully support any one of these individuals. they impress me with their
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candor and willingness to come into a tough room with tough questions and none of them flinched. not one flinched and backed off and took a powder. they all stood their ground. >> absolutely. no question that any of our current nominees would be better than the guy in the white house right now. >> mike: we are one minute or one week away rather from the south carolina primary. is there one issue that is going to ultimately tilt this thing in the favor of a candidate and are we in for a surprise? >> i tell you with almost 10% unemployment in our state i think the jobs issue and the one that we believe has the conviction to get it done will be the one that wins south carolina. >> mike: i want to say your remarkable hosting of these town halls. all these candidates in individually. you helped bring all of them here today for this special edition and i think it has been a remarkable day. i would like to ask one question of the audience. show by applause if this forum has helped you as an undecided voter get closer to a point of
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decision? has it helped you? [ applause ] >> mike: very good. very worth while. congressman, what a pleasure. and a joy to be with you here in charleston, south carolina. i want to say make sure to tune in to the next fox news "wall street journal" republican presidential debate. is going to happen monday night at 9:00 eastern from myrtle beach, south carolina. moderated by bret baier. and also make sure to watch fox news coverage of the south carolina republican presidential primary next saturday january 21. i want to say thanks to all these wonderful people here. what a delight it is to be in charleston. thank you for joining us. now, from the college of charleston, good night, god captioned by closed captioning services, inc. is it fast? it's got a lightning bolt on it, doesn't it? ♪ is it fast? i don't even know if it's street-legal.
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